Miranda North Public School

Quality education in a nurturing, innovative learning environment.

Telephone02 9524 6842


Parents and Citizens' Association

The Miranda North Parents and Citizens Association (P&C) is comprised of a group of parents who meet once each month to speak about fundraising and other issues associated with the school and its organisation.

The P&C operates for 2 main reasons as outlined in the constitution of P&C associations and they are:

  1. To promote the interests of the school by bringing parents, citizens, students and teaching staff into close cooperation and
  2. To assist in providing facilities and equipment for the school and in promoting the recreation and welfare of the students at the school.     

Each year a new executive committee is elected at the AGM and this committee organises the various events that are run by the P&C throughout the next 12 months. The current committee is listed in the section entitled "P&C Executive Members".

Please see attached documents:

Miranda North  P&C Constitution

Miranda North P&C Code of Conduct

Executive members

At the recent P&C meeting which also incorporated the Annual General Meeting of the Miranda North PS P&C Association the following people were elected to executive roles:

President - Ms K Idam

Vice President - Mrs A Hughes

Secretary - Mrs Y Gillman

Treasurer - Mrs M Chimiak

School Uniform Shop Coordinator - Mrs L Voges

Fundraising  - Ms T Cave

Snack Canteen Committee - Mrs J McGibbon, Ms E Ford

To hold an executive position on the P&C and/or to have voting rights at meetings you must be a financial member ($1/year) prior to the holding of the AGM and those elected to positions will remain in them until the next AGM is held at which time all positions will be declared vacant and a new executive committee is elected.


Fundraising is a major function of the P&C and moneys raised are used to support the purchase of new facilities for the school.

The Fundraising committee coordinate a variety of activiites and events throughout the year and each of these events is organised and run by volunteers and parent representatives from each of the school year groups.


Meeting dates

Miranda North P&C meets at school at 7:00pm on the second Tuesday of the month during the school term. 

Should you wish to attend or send through any agenda items for discussion please email mnpspcpresident@gmail.com

Meeting minutes

Minutes are taken at every meeting of the P&C and emailed to those who were present. 

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